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Finding a Physician Assistant Mentor: The Foolproof PA ...

When I first contemplated a career as a physician assistant I was hard-pressed to find a PA to shadow. I was dying to find a PA and pick their brain, learn about what they do, possibly shadow for a day or two. But, the question is where do you start? Every single PA I know would love to be approached by a potential PA school applicant. I have never met a PA who does not love to talk about ... Alternatives

Accredited Programs | ARC-PA - Accredited Programs | ARC-PA
Physician Assistant Programs by State -- Inside PA Training - Physician Assistant Programs by State -- Inside PA Training
Accredited Physician Assistant Programs - Accredited Physician Assistant Programs
Become a PA: Getting Your Prerequisites and Certification ... - Become a PA: Getting Your Prerequisites and Certification ...
PA Schoolfinder - PA Schoolfinder
4 Accredited Physician Assistant Schools in Maryland - 4 Accredited Physician Assistant Schools in Maryland
Texas PA Programs - Texas Academy of Physician Assistants - Texas PA Programs - Texas Academy of Physician Assistants
NC Physician Assistant Programs - NCAPA - NC Physician Assistant Programs - NCAPA
Physician Assistant - Rutgers - Department of Physician ... - Physician Assistant - Rutgers - Department of Physician ...

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